I'm sure we've all heard this question from nooblets {and may have asked it ourselves when we were new}, "How do you play this game?". The answer of course is that Secondlife isn't a game...it is a second life. Now all lives come with learning curves...some of us learn very quickly, others not so fast. The end point differs and sometimes goes "on hold" for awhile.
I am a people watcher...I wasn't for the first part of my life but in my early thirties something unknown happened and there was that mental "click"..suddenly I was able to get enough out of me to be able to see the world and it's inhabitants from a more objective point of view. Today I love to be around people long enough to see them grow. There is often that quick growth with a nooblet that allows us to watch them learn to walk, dress, rezz a box, make a land mark...all the easy stuff we seem to be capable of mastering in our first few days or weeks. Sometimes I also get the chance to watch truly phenomenal changes in people that have hung around here for a few years. Dramatic change for adults isn't Fast Easy Fun {thank you Mr. Rosedale}, that kind of change is difficult at best and often more than a little scary for us. I do believe that virtual worlds do offer us a chance to more easily facilitate those changes we need.
One of the criteria for legal entry into Secondlife is to be eighteen years old...eighteen says we are legally adults... it turns out that often the gap between being legally adult and the reality of adulthood is a very deep chasm. And every now and then... I get to watch someone leap that chasm.
And for that gift I am truly grateful
And so it goes
My love to you all, brinda
*waves from Toronto*
ReplyDeleteOk, I'm east of there, close enough.