experiences in growth. Stories from Secondlife and the Benares Estate.
How long is the rope?.... I use that statement as a metaphor for life...how long is that rope, how long is life?
I truly became aware of my mortality at 15... I can't tell you why the realisation deep in my soul happened, but I had read a story of Mark Twain called The Mysterious Stranger and suddenly I understood. You see at 15, I could look back close to the beginning and see how long that had taken... but the rope stretched ahead into dim mist... no way to see the end from 15. I have searched since that day for and answer. I have used every way I could imagine looking for that answer... a large dose of LSD had me out of this body while sitting in a shop in Laguna Beach California circa 1970 watching Ram Dass and Timothy Leary. I have sat in a cave in the Mojave desert looking out into the night and scared the hell out of myself. Recently I have been to India and sat where Siddhartha sat 2600 years ago... and the answer for me is that the rope stretches to eternity. How long is eternity one might ask.... The answer I was given some years ago is that a bird flys dragging a silk scarf over a tall mountain once every thousand years...eventually that mountain will be wore away. That is eternity. This body will decay and fall away... but this body is not me, it is only a vehicle for me to pursue the goal of enlightenment.
May we all live with compassion
And so it goes
My love to you all, brinda
Yesterday was a holiday in the USA. For those around the world that aren't familiar with our Thanksgiving holiday... it's a celebration of the first successful year after our colonists came to the North American continent nearly 400 years ago. Today many of us use the holiday as a time to renew family ties culminating with a huge meal...{that we really don't need!}. It's also a time for some of us to take stock of our blessings and to give thanks for our lives and those that are in them.
This past year has been one that has seen many changes in my lives. In that other life I was able to take a treasured pilgrimage to North East India where I could visit the four most important sites in Buddhism. I've been asked if I felt safe on that trip...I did. It was a private tour and except for two train trips I had a driver and a private car. My experience in travel suggests that along with common sense... learning how to say please and thank you in the local language makes a difference. Another change in that life....since I retired a couple of years ago I found I really had too much empty time on my hands so I took a part time job... it's just perfect for me.
There have been changes here in Secondlife as well... paramount among those was the leaving of Poly from Benares. Poly spent over eighteen months as a manager here...eighteen months is a long time in Secondlife, but sometimes change is good and necessary...and it's important to know when it's time to move forward. Many of the residents that were here last year are still here and that tells me we are doing something right. We have had a couple return and I'm glad to see them.
In closing this post... yesterday I commented on another blog about being thankful. I have been allowed to spend over 1300 days in this virtual world we call Secondlife. This past year saw me lose friends... and gain friends. I try to always keep in mind that there are over 6 billion people on our planet... the chances of meeting any one person are astronomical, and I have met so many wonderful people.
One line out of and old Grateful Dead song has been running through my head these past few hours, "What a long strange trip it's been"...and in keeping with, that I'm going to embed that song after the customary closing. And so it goes I love you all, brinda Namaste नमस्ते
OK...Maybe it's just me.
I would suppose that most anything some one chooses to post in a blog is legal with the caveat that one must not libel. I, as a personal belief, always hope to speak the truth...for me that is an ethical issue, in other words I wouldn't want to post or repeat a post that I even suspected to be false.
I found two blog posts today that are diametrically opposite. I'll just post the links and ask that you that read these.... and tell me what you think? Take a moment, if you have a few seconds, comment. Which would you find fits how you want the world to be like.... (A) or (B)?
Thank you.
(A) http://dbarrie.posterous.com/more-insight-into-the-life-of-denise-williams
(B) http://sabreparabola.blogspot.com/2010/11/i-love-smell-of-desperation-in-morning.html
And so it goes
My love to you all, brinda
Using what I learned!...A few days ago I found a prim just sticking out of the foundation of Vic's house... my OCD kicked in... nothing would do but I had to relocate that prim. Now it was a mega prim floor and almost exactly the same dimension as foundation so it needed to be set via numbers in edit...not by clics. That is until I wanted to test exactly how much more I needed to move it.....and clicked size! Yes, we now had a 10 meter prim instead of 20 meters! The good news? I knew how to fix all that, and for me today...that is the magic here. A little more of that magic was creating a waterfall with spray and water running out to the beach...yes, it's simple stuff....now =^..^=.
There are some I've helped over these years... I live by, *we teach best what we most need to learn*... and those I may have helped?.... that is small repayment for what I've been taught. I still love Secondlife... and yes, I whine about where we may be heading... but I hope the rest of you stick around long enough to learn to love this world as I do.
And so it goes
My love to you all, brinda
Seen on the grid...It's your choice what's on the Internet...It's not your choice to remove that information.
You guys know by now how I feel about nooblets...it seems so easy for some of us to forget that we were all new once. I've never forgotten that feeling, it felt like the first day in a strange school all over again. I've also never forgotten the oldbie that took me under her virtual wing...she didn't give me freebies, she didn't do a lot of show and explain- what she did do was to make me feel "a part of". A few days ago I had gone to some Linden office hours to support a friend that was having some account problems. Now being a people watcher in that other life we lead, here in Secondlife I'm a profile reader, and I was struck by a profile I read from one that had been here a few years. The opening line? "I don't help noobs"... how comforting. First, I find that many nooblets don't know there is a profile text to read. Second, if they do read that profile....how comforting. {OK, I'm going to be and ass}....That is such and insensitive thing to say and I marvel that anyone with such and attitude bothers to come to a world like Secondlife..go play Doom or Halo or some of that!
While the roar has diminished lately... there has been a comment "war" going on at one of the widely read blogs. Now I'm usually the last to get any inside info...but I tend to always understand that there are commonly three truths to any subject. Your truth, my truth, and the truth...and there's always enough mistakes in judgement to go around. {If anyone is short of those mistakes-- call me, I've got a lot of left overs =^..^= }
Lastly... I got and "anonymous" blog comment a day or so ago where someone was offended, or freaked out by seeing the town they live in displayed in my usual format of "where we come from". Now I would never post an IP address here even though and IP address could be the same if a couple of people logged in from say the same college. I started including the "where we come from" format as a way to bring us together and have received good feedback from some of you. My guess is that a very very very small town in Australia has someone there that is likely the only person in that town in Secondlife....and the town is small enough that their neighbors probably know that anyway! I've posted this before...but just for the record. My IP address comes out in Santee California.... I live in Imperial Beach, that's 51 KMs away. Another friends address comes out as a city in another state for gosh sake. Hmmm...I guess this comes full circle to the opening line..."It's your choice what's on the Internet...It's not your choice to remove that information." If I want to keep my IP address secret? I can't click on a website. period. stop. At least with me I'm not selling that info =^..^=
And so it goes
My love to you all, brinda
Today isn't a time for my usual format of, "Where we come from". Yesterday we all lost a part of Secondlife...Delinda Dyrssen is gone.
With the number of people in Secondlife, I would suspect that many of you wouldn't know who Delinda was... who she knew, {uncounted numbers of people}...or what she did in Secondlife.
Delinda was the heart and soul of live music in Secondlife... She ran "Live and kickin" for awhile, and if you haven't experienced live music here you are truly missing a great community. Community of one sort or another seems to be the key to remaining in Secondlife.
I met Delinda through a business arrangement I had with Paisely Beebe and Treet TV... we both came to Secondlife in early 2007, but I hadn't met her till a few months ago... such a delightful woman. I often wondered how she ever found time to chat/IM with so many of us.
While I will miss seeing those blue pop ups that would have told me Delinda is on line and I am saddened by our loss...my Buddhist roots tell me that while she has dropped that body...she will remain in our hearts.
Rather than use HTML links I'm going to just paste two links below from people that knew her more intimately than I.
http://tonightlivewithpaisleybeebe.com/2010/11/21/delinda/ http://dbarrie.posterous.com/in-memory-of-denise-l-willaims Delinda will remain always in my heart...and my friends list
And so it goes
Delinda... I will remember you, brinda
I wonder why some of us make a statement of apparent commitment in Secondlife to the degree we invest a portion of our other lives financial resources here, while there are others that surely seem to be as committed by virtue of being in world longer than I who remain almost proudly virtually homeless. I grant that we have no need for a place to sleep here, or to cook...even though a good friend of mine has absolutely everything in her Secondlife home that she has in her other world.
I bought my first land and my first house just a couple weeks after I came to this world. I have maintained a "place" in Secondlife continuously since that day... I wanted a place to feel I belonged... a place to set out some of my virtual possessions so I could see them. Since the earliest days Benares has maintained a guest house so that any of our female visitors could have that same feeling of belonging...more about that below.
I recently counseled one of my young friends about the benefits of having her own "cave". There is a great deal of perceived personal power in Secondlife women having their own place... it's the same power that women get in our other life by being self sufficient. Men treat women very differently when they see that the woman is doing just fine all by themselves.
I know The Benevolent Monarchy understands the power of land ownership and it's relationship to commitment here... they brought out the Linden homes this past year or so. Now I can dance on both sides of that... First, giving out those pitiful 512 "rabbit warrens"---it was a slap in the face of private land sellers as well as it left a terrible impression of what land ownership really is. Second, if I had been doing it, I would have offered that deal for 30 days and then an offer of a discounted mainland parcel for say 6 months. There is a huge glut of Linden land empty and that would be a way to get some people back onto the mainland. As with so much of what TBM does, it seems that they only start projects... and never bother to really take a look at how those projects are doing and perhaps make improvements as necessary.
I suppose land ownership in Secondlife comes down to that thing that runs all worlds... personal preferences. It is a wonder to me that a reasonably bright stable person would bother to invest nearly six thousand dollars a year in pixels. Oh well, my children have been told that I plan on enjoying my life...and if there is anything left over they are welcome to it =^..^=
And so it goes
My love to you all, brinda
My friend Twinkle has been inworld a little more often recently =^..^=. You know, a lot of us have made friendships in Secondlife that have gone on for a a long time. Just another place I feel so blessed...there are four of us that came here in 2007... Twin, Lala, Ling, and myself. I fully expect us to remain in Secondlife until that day someone turns off the last server....or then I think I'll do like my friend Drew... Drew still has and Alt on one of the old Help Islands... and that alt will never come to the mainland, those pixels were deleted the day TBM turned off those servers.
And so it goes
I love you all, brinda
No, "Where we come from" on this post...and this will be a short.
I generally avoid donations for most any cause...because... well one never knows how much of the money actually ends up where the help is needed. In this case I've made an exception. A couple of days ago an Indonesian school teacher friend of mine, Ines Ogura, sent me and IM asking me if she could possibly send me a notice. Now that says a lot about the culture of her country... when's the last time anyone "asked" you if they could send you something in Secondlife? Now I confess that I've had so much going on in all my lives I didn't get to this site till this evening....and now there is only one day left of this exhibition. Last showing will be tomorrow at 7PM SLT.... I plan on being there. Here's the SLurl: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Madhupak/239/205/88/ ************************
And here is a link to one of the news stories... http://www.newsmild.com/refugees-moved-after-strong-indonesian-eruption
Perhaps together we can ease the pain of just one person, I think it's worth the chance
And so it goes
My love to you all, brinda
One of the criteria for legal entry into Secondlife is to be eighteen years old...eighteen says we are legally adults... it turns out that often the gap between being legally adult and the reality of adulthood is a very deep chasm. And every now and then... I get to watch someone leap that chasm.
And for that gift I am truly grateful
And so it goes
My love to you all, brinda
On the way to work today I was noticing bumper stickers on cars... and that started me thinking about what bumper stickers and Secondlife profile text might have in common. I think both tell me a lot about a person, in Secondlife even the total absence of text may say something. Now keep in mind that I'm a linear thinker {plays all bloody heck with creativity!} so my thoughts then went to what do our blogs say about us? A lot I suspect. One of our very controversial bloggers can be viewed as irrational and narrowly opinionated at times...but often I see a genuine care about the direction the Secondlife world is headed...do I agree with all that's said?
In a word, No..... But I do read the posts.
Yesterday I saw a Tweet by Aeonix Aeon decrying what he/she sees as a deliberate attempt on the part of many of us to impede the future growth of Secondlife by our refusal to use viewer 2.ought oh. First...If it takes that many words to express ones feelings? You lose your audience. Second...I don't see the refusal of so many tens of thousands of us to refuse to use that interface as and impediment to Secondlife growth. Speaking solely for myself...I see my refusal to use viewer 2.ought oh as a choice I make as a CUSTOMER of Linden Lab. I want to use an interface that makes me happy...after all, I'm paying part of their wages. And so it goes My love to you all, brinda Namaste नमस्ते
Working with new people...
Over the years I have occasionally come across a few lines on a Google page left by some of the older original members of Secondlife. While we still have a few of the oldbies left, as well as a very few of the charter members, there were hundreds that came in those earliest days. Most of those early members are gone today, leaving only 'The ghost in the machine'.... dim memories if anyone still here remembers at all.
Some months ago I contacted Pituca Fairchang, one of those early members, about continuing her blog. Her blog documented much of those early days with images and text... it was fantastic to see and read first hand what it was like in 2003. Pituca did do a couple more posts after we chatted but it was obvious that her heart just wasn't in it. If you read her profile and see what she had to say about Garth, the real life husband she had met here I think you will understand why. Often it becomes time to just gently let go.
As far as I know the single most definitive history of Secondlife written about some of the people and all of those earliest regions has been compiled by Lalo Telling, it's truly and exhaustive work and always an interesting read. ***********
My opening line to this post was, "Working with new people".
It's usually a complete surprise to new people that first..Secondlife has been around for 8 years... and second, that we have a documented history. If you haven't thought about it... save your images. We have no way of knowing how long this world will be here... and I can tell you from my experience that those images I saved from 2007 are vastly more important to me today than they were at the moment I took them. So many of the people in the few images I did save bring wonderful memories. The rest? Ghosts in the machine
And so it goes
I love you all, brinda
This has been a year of much change for me here in Secondlife...what with the forced demise of the Secondlife Mentors Group last December, the closing of the former Help Island system, soon coupled with the disastrous (in my opinion) viewer I call 2.ought oh.... it has become really difficult to work with those just starting out in Secondlife. While there are those voices that see those of us that enjoy working with nooblets as a way to elevate our perceived low self esteem... I see the help I may have given as simply a way to repay the help, advice, and sense of belonging that was so freely offered to me 1246 days ago.
Some of that continuing magic comes from seeing new people do those things we later do almost without thought... simple things... remember how you felt that first time you heard "boom" and saw a box appear? Things like just automatically detaching that box you forgot to open and opening it on the land? BTW Lindens, thank you for the default "wear" now being the hand instead of the head, although I do miss the occasional nooblet running around with a torch. =^..^=
I have gained a further sense of magic by becoming a part of both the Secondlife community as well as our community at Benares. The Secondlife community I feel a part of from sharing the thoughts and feelings of those whose blogs and Twitter feeds I read... how could one not feel the excitement of Josues life today? My community at Benares... after a few years with some of them... I understand a lot of what goes on in that other life we live... the good times, the pain of jobs lost, homes lost, marriages failed, and marriages saved as well... Grand children born, and parents that pass on, our lives entwine.
I have been able also to take comfort in some of the things those in my community have spoken about when I do voice those despondent feelings I sometimes get about the direction this virtual world may be headed. Rather than try to link...I'de like to just reprint two recent comments:
From soror: Brinda, please don't worry...the people who love building and creating are still in the Metaverse, some of us have just chosen a grid with nicer 'bosses' and lower prices... InWorldz is one of several.... so we are just the diaspora.....blown out across worlds to enrich and colour other grids.... By sororNishi on This is a loss to all of us... on 7/27/10
And from Alex: Cubey's story is one possible outcome of the future...but the great thing about future events Brinda, is that they are not written in stone. When the last day comes..I'll visit as many places on my landmark list as possible. I'll indulge myself in the memories that each place will bring and I'll raise a virtual glass at each one. And once I'm done, I'll head home. To Bliss. And I'll sit on the deck of my little home and set the environment controls to sunset, set a smile on AlexHayden's face as darkness falls.... Because I'll be safe in the knowledge that even though the virtual world I know is gone, the friendships I've made will still be there, behind laptops and computers spread across the globe. And nobody can ever take that from us. The community will live on..... By AlexHaydenJunibalya on Oldbie on 10/21/10
Thank you to those that hold my pixel hand and tell me it will be OK
And so it goes
My love to you all, brinda