Quinbys New Digs..Complete with Chicks,Bunnies, & a Clown..{Oh nevermind he went home!}ROFL

Jace & Lotus....An empty place :-(
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There are always changes in any life....Some I get to prepare for...Some..Well,I miss out.
In no particular order...Well top down I guess...The changes recently at Benares.
Magdalena Dreadlow has some real life considerations that force her priorities away from our Northshore. Many of you know that my Secondlife daughter Lala was sharing a place with Mags and a few months ago I took this picture of the girls teasing Cricky Coberts....Who but Mags and Lala would have a slumber party here. Mags is a doll...a standup no nonsense person...Mags..hurry back! **Hugs**
Quinby showed up a couple weeks ago....I've watched closely...haven't caught her drinking out on the East homestead...Must be a reason though that she's always happy!
Stopped by today to see her chickens& bunnies....Boyd was there visiting....thus the reference to Clowns =^..^=
Jace & Lotus....What can I say :-( I screwed up. You see a picture of their empty parcel...my screw up? I was always too busy to stop and say hello. We never know when we miss out on the friendship of a lifetime. Sources tell me that Lotus has recently had a real life job promotion...and for now.. there isn't time for Secondlife. Jace? You and Lotus ever return?...I will make time.
Jade...What can I say....Jade came here in January 2009....very unsure of almost anything Secondlife. Ling offered her a room at her place....the estate rezzed a skybox and Jade worked on a house. She promised me she would get a place someday. And here she is...on the West homestead. Sometimes quickly...sometimes slowly....rarely do things happen in my time.
Those that are gone? I still believe the words on my Tori gate.."We all leave a piece of ourselves on this island".
Those that are joining us? I hope you also leave something of yourself here as well.
And so it goes
I love you all, brinda
Something I love to read....only words, yes...but the thought behind is perhaps the most beautiful ever. I'm sure all that read this understand a little of the spirtual path I endeavor to practise.
While I don't pretend to see fully...these are the words from an eighth century *Bodhisattva* {one that has achieved enlightenment}.....
"As Long as space Endures,
As long as Sentient Beings Remain.
Until then, May I too Remain
And Dispel the Miseries of the World."
Shantideva circa 700 ce
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