Monday, November 30, 2009
Gone...not Forgotten

Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Explore Secondlife History

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Monday, November 23, 2009
Secondlife History-Stellar Sunshine

Saturday, November 21, 2009
Odds & Ends

Thursday, November 19, 2009
Golden Things I've Found
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Things That Make Me Go...Hmmm

Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Be Careful
Beautiful Thoughts
Friday, November 13, 2009
Caterpillars, Butterflys, and Souls
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
There's not a lot to whine about so far this morning...{Ah, but the day's just begun}... and while I've looked the days blogs...listened to Phillip Rosedales beach interview on Dusan Writers blog {linked here * http://dusanwriter.com/?p=758 *}...I've not logged in-world yet. So I may not know that the Benares server has gone up in smoke...there's zero back up, concierge phone service is down, the island was under furry attack with self replicating prims, our SLurl was confused with Help Island Public2... so when the server is replaced we will have 89 nooblets being booted into every tree and pond on the island,.............OH I'm sorry..that was last weeks *stuff* ROFL.
In a more mentally stable note.... Last evenings foray into the land where they're all 30 minutes old was wonderful. In a couple of sessions that totalled maybe 3 hours, I got the chance to do that which is another passion for me...I ended up dressing up 11 new people and answering questions for a lot more.
There have been numbers published by a couple of the Lindens, Alexa recently, that indicate retention of new accounts at around 10% of the total. A couple years ago approximately 15% never left Orientation Island. I will always believe that personal one on one contact would dramatically improve those numbers. I don't necessarily mean that Linden Lab should provide a one on one mentoring system...While that's a fantastic scenario...it just won't scale. What I think would work though, is a system of volunteers to provide face to face answers to the questions we all had when new. Maybe they wouldn't do the kind of personal attention I try to provide...but give new accounts **some one** to talk to. Back this volunteer group with official Secondlife Mentors or some kind of *watchful eye*. And that *watchful Eye* needs to be there 24/7. Secondlife is worldwide...only about 40% of Secondlife is from the USA...perhaps 50% or so from the Western Hemisphere...this is doable.
As the system currently stands...rarely is there any supervision at the Help Islands...what we have now is that usually there are 100 new residents on the most commonly used HIs at any one time...in the 3 hours I was out there I saw one Mentor on one island. That mentor wasn't there for 3 hours either. If anyone would like to check these numbers?...IM me, I will send you a HUD that will allow you to see the population on all the Welcome areas, all the Help Islands, and how many Mentors are on those sims.
The most common question I get other than, "What do I do next", is, "How do I go somewhere else"... {In case you've forgotten...there are prominent signs...There's a giant green beacon visible from everywhere on the island}...As new people we seem to have tunnel vision... We want to have someone say "Here, click this". Todays system is the blind leading the blind...
Having watched most of you that do me the honor of looking at this blog...I see people that would be happy to help any one that asked them. I believe that all of the people in our community are those who do take the time to answer a new persons questions.
For me, I haven't forgotten how it felt to, *not know*. To know that others seemed to have a better stand, or nicer hair, or somewhere to go or be. It was like high school all over again...and I was ashamed to ask.
If I can...I want to help as many as I can to know that the Secondlife Dream is alive for many of us. That's my passion here...the reason I've helped well over a thousand new people to maybe feel that someone cared about *them*. If any of this turns into something that speaks to you...come talk to me.
And so it goes
Love and care, brinda
Monday, November 9, 2009
Coming and Going

The picture was taken at the southern most point of the Baja California peninsula.... Straight ahead to Antarctica...{it will be a very long sail}... And yes, I've ridden in a small boat through that hole =^..^=. There's no particular hidden message here...if one goes to 'Lands End', the finiteness of the third planet from the star we call Sol becomes a little easier for some to see.
Good news...My friend Poly and I were standing in front of my place yesterday trying to educate me on how to export XML files to my hard drive. Good news a couple ways....*A*... I really do know what that means today, and can do it. *B*... A friend I hadn't seen in two years suddenly teleported in.
I've posted often and {recently} about memories in Secondlife, pictures, and old friends. Giolla is all of those for me. Memories...Gigi knew the first four of us when I had mainland. She gave me a copy of a picture prim that I gave her... she's and old friend. I was her first friend in Secondlife...once we sat up nearly all night at one of my rental sky boxes talking about life in general as well as Gigi's goal to eventually leave Istanbul and come to Los Angeles. We talked about the difficulty of being a modern, educated, young woman in today's Turkey and the pressures that traditional families bring on those women.
Gigi fell in love with a fellow Turk...Often it seems that so many men just can't bring themselves to figure out that the new women in their lifes are their equals...and sometimes a step ahead... that holds true in any life. When the traditional stuff collided with the modern woman...Gigi took a long sabbatical from Secondlife. I think she's young enough and bright enough to have taken away a wonderful albeit painful lesson. I'm glad she's back... and I'm proud that she took the time to find me again.
How many times do I see people drift away....you don't hear from them for weeks or months...they've found other passions...you remove then from your friends list....And suddenly your "such a horrid person". {"How sad you removed me...What did I ever do to you?"} etc etc.
Told you Gigi was bright...calling cards stay 'till you delete them...she looked at the card and found me again.
Sadder news...We've lost two residents in a week now....
It's easier for me to understand one more than the other. Skyler was new...a couple months old. It so often takes a while to find our passion here...I've mentioned before how I ask any one I meet that's been in Secondlife longer than I why they have remained. Without exception I find they have found a passion that *speaks* to them. Creativity, service, community, {Or what the heck is Linden Labs gonna do next lol?}...these are the common passions. So far, I've never heard pixel sex, tasty vampire blood, wonderful slave handcuffs, hot pose balls, or any variation of that. If I do...I may check it out :=) ....because I want to stay.
Jade is a different story...She came early in 2009... with a great passion for building. She has a ton of talent...Like many I meet, she was doing things at a couple months old that I still can't achieve. She had always said she loved Benares and it's people and would live here some day. And she did...She got a beautiful private islet parcel..tryed out a couple of houses....started to furnish those houses...and then I guess met just the *right* people. First went the furniture....then she came to me and told me she had involved herself in a clan of some sort, and she felt the need to go live closely with that clan at their sim. Jade has promised me that she won't forget us...that she will come often and visit. I hope so...she's really such a great kid.
Some leave with no contact at all... Some will send me a note card...One I happened to see on the beach late one evening taking her prims. Jade is one of five that have come to me to tell me their plans face to face. That is a special thing with me...of that five, Angel and Kattie have returned...Rihanne and Gabby also came to me...though I doubt they would return. I do hope Jade comes to see us...and if she doesn't...Well, I think she did the stand up thing in considering this community as worthy of coming and telling us her plans. She will always have both a place in my heart...and a place in Benares history.
And so it goes
My love to you all, brinda
Saturday, November 7, 2009
A Time and Place for Everything

Friday, November 6, 2009
Growth...Mine or Yours?

Tuesday, November 3, 2009
The Gift of Ears

Sunday, November 1, 2009
A Lack of Fear