Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Leading by Example
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Changes Fear Ethics & Love
Meet LittleBlackDuck Lindsay... A really standup guy as I see it.
And before you look at what he created... maybe look at this link.
Thirteen sims... nine land, four water... A wonderful Victorian setting, thirty thousand invested and he quit. The above link explains the why...or explains why He's calling it quits.
And he's not the first to quit... keep in mind that the nine full sims cost him $2655 USD a month in server cost...with likely another nearly $400 for the water.
Where I'm headed with this is to point out that as far as The Benevolent Monarchy is concerned his $36,000 dollars a year tier is of little consequence to them...never mind the income they would also receive from his nearly 400 resident transactions at Lindex, texture uploads etc.
I was asked very recently if I anticipated the further growth of Benares... OK, what would you do? If the powers that be care little for a $36,000 a year customer...how do you think they view our $6500?
Will we stay?...As I've said before,...Yes, we will stay. Grow?... Not at this time.
I never aspired to be a Anshe or a Desmond {oh that's right, he left too}
I've always wanted just what we have here now... a place that I think is one of beauty and camaraderie.
I have made friends in Secondlife... many of them people that I would never have met except for this platform. I am always interested in what has kept people here and particularly those that contribute to the societal good. They tell me that the uncertainty I feel now is just a part of this experience...things have changed dramatically here before.
Rereading this post, I'm sorry it rambles so.
I guess my fears are showing again =^..^=
I heard such a great line last night from my friend Lindsay...I'll have to ask her again where it comes from...but it been on my mind all night.
paraphrasing..."while life is a race, it's only ourselves we are racing".
And so it goes
Forgive my games of fear, after 68 years and so many miles it's still hard to remember that some love me as much as I love you, brinda
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Revenge, and Still Love Goes On
Monday, March 22, 2010
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Holding on Gently
Friday, March 19, 2010
Second Oldest Secondlife Resident?
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Friday, March 12, 2010
Old Friends... Help from Friends...and Luck!

Maxie... This parcel and build have been a long time coming....
You know, trying to say you care more for one resident than another is much the same as saying you care more for one child than the other... but Maxie has a place in my heart.
I met Maxine at one of the HIs over a year ago... she came to Benares... picked up a few pointers on Secondlife and went exploring. Occasionally I would see her avatar at our guest house but she rarely had much to say.
I do look through our group names frequently to kinda check on last log-ins and saw that Maxie was still active.
I was greatly surprised a few days ago when I got note from her saying she had gotten a parcel here and wanted a little advice on her choice of a house. Another of my friends was commenting recently about how we see people buy a house, they come and rezz it only to find it's much too large to fit, {no sense of size.} Maxies choice was a house I had seen before and her sense of size was just fine.
My thing for years is that I would rather be lucky than good.
We had a resident that's been so busy rl that she's not logged in for three weeks. Earlier in this week I had taken her tier box into inventory after it went three days arrears. Parcel return always makes a mess... I hand return objects if it becomes necessary. This morning I went to return all her objects and there she stood... I'm so glad. I personally know the potential for a sense of loss if one were to log in to a home you thought you had only to find it gone...and possibly another living there. Btw... Yes, I know it's all pixels... and pixels is pixels... But I returned once to look at the first place I ever had in Secondlife after the estate owner sold the island and the new owner renamed. I felt that sense of loss... it was a very odd feeling. It's a sense of loss I still get if I go to Lythria where I had a very large piece of the sim. While it makes no rational sense it just does. ***
I'm collecting all the memorabilia I can find for Secondlife history. Along with a few objects from Stellar Sunshine, I've found old maps from 2002 and 2003, If anyone finds anything prior to 2005 please let me know.
OK my friends that's all today
And so it goes
My love to all of you, brinda
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Polys Linden Bears & My Journey into Onverse
Monday, March 8, 2010
A little History, Old & New
Friday, March 5, 2010
Treasure Found
First the ethical stuff...the above images are by Andor Diechter
and are used with his express permission.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Andor sent me the link below to his picture site and I asked him if I could share these pictures with all of you. http://picasaweb.google.com/AndorDiechter
I don't know if any of you have taken the time to visit Andors place... it's always been a great adventure. Benares isn't the first place Andy has lived in Secondlife, but I'm proud to say that he's been here a long time now. If you have the time... go and wander through the reeds to the NorthWest corner..enjoy. http://SLurl.com/secondlife/Benares%20East/182/23/22/?title=Bliss Andor, thank you. *** For those using Emerald there are a host of easy picture settings... all of these effects were available in SL viewers, but they were not easily accessed or saved. And of course the settings won't cover up a poorly set up shot. *** Another resident is moving in in the next day or so... we still have a few parcels left. *** Sophie's back! Nothing bad... connectivity issues... we always miss our residents. *** Met a new girl today... Some times I wonder why there are people that seem to find it difficult to just tell the truth. I can see how fast they pick stuff up, I see the language, the animations. Finally the story comes out...been banned before for bad behavior. I hope I don't have to hit the GTFO button..{there is such a button =^..^=}. And so it goes, brinda Namaste नमस्ते
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Good News day!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010
The Future Here with 2.0? (and a couple of houses)

Re-modeled my place a bit as well as moved it South and West a few meters.
Sabres latest house...Always a classy act.
Jaris new place..as far west as our region goes.
Andrea is a self described minimalist...I like the simplicity
of this place.
A friend left me a link to a news story of the VW, "There", and it's closing set for March 9th.
I often lay awake nights wondering how Secondlife and my relationship with all the people I've met in-world will turn out.I think we all know that nothing lasts forever... Secondlife, or me.
I have very selective fears... social situations like a Halloween party here can stress me for weeks. Many real life situations that others might find fearful don't scare me. Losing Secondlife, this community we have, all those I have a relationship with through out the world does.
Yes... this is a perfect opportunity to practise just, "Being Here Now". So easy to say, and yet for me, so hard to contemplate. ***
Thanks to both Poly and my friend Angela Talamasca for this heads up concerning Secondlife viewer 2.0 and shared media risks. http://bit.ly/SMsecurityRisks
Will it be fixed before before the viewer is default?... can it be fixed? It would seem that the Lindens would like to see Secondlife be integrated with Facebook, and since Facebook no longer allows people to create fictional accounts... that, combined with the risks of shared media, would expose all of us to various risks.
I think forcing that option would certainly destroy what Secondlife started. While there are role playing communities that don't want real life info... there is also the potential for personal and fiscal danger with the ability of others to be able to *find* you in real life. I personally would have to take a very long look at whether I would remain in Secondlife.
Maybe I'm just seeing "lions and tigers, oh my!" My guess at this point is that IF that were implemented it will be quite sometime in the future. I'm not sure that there aren't some legal hurdles that Linden Lab might have to jump... yes, they have an *at will* service... but we've paid real money and invested real time into a service that was supposed to be confidential.
We'll see.
I'm going to try a few minor land changes on the main island in the next couple of weeks... nothing that will affect current parcels except to maybe make them more desirable.
I hope everyone knows me well enough to know that I am open to your input...
If I do something that detracts from your experience here please let either Myself, ling, or Poly know and we will look at whatever it is.
That's all I can think of for now And so it goes
My love to you all, brinda
{माय लव तो यू अल}, brinda
Namaste नमस्ते