
"Listen with an open mind, but don't try to remember this stuff. There's no quiz at the end." Jack Kornfield

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Random thoughts, Links, & Where we come from...

A page of random thoughts, a lot of links, another image of where we come from, and an introduction to a wonderful young woman. My mind is such a jumble today...I sometimes wonder how I wasted so much of my life. Never mind what our parents or some trusted adult tried to tell many of us... as I age I can more clearly see both the path I chose as well as appreciate the truth of a lot of the homilys they proferred... Remember youth is wasted on the young? Along with the recent medical problems {those seem to be slowly mending, btw} there just seems to be a lot to do. I understand now what those of my friends that retired before I did meant when they said they wondered how they ever found time to work. Real life stuff goes on...all that domestic stuff... the cat, laundry, shopping, housework. I really need, and dread, to go visit my Mother in Arizona... it's not the 8 hour drive... it's the guilt I allow myself to feel because I really don't want to go. It's a very long story that likely isn't appropriate for this forum. Then there are virtual worlds, Benares, blogs, social events, my friends needs..... Why, I could whine for hours =^..^=. Truthfully Secondlife has perhaps been one of the two or three most life changing experiences of my life. Links...... Please take time to look at these links to a couple of soror Nishi's recent posts... the first links to her post and slide show of her art show yesterday at IBM. The second link is video/slide done by a friend of soror's referencing prior work. Enjoy.... ************** Where one of you comes from... aerial view of Jakarta, Indonesia.

My visitors communications tower is several kms east of downtown, but this shot perhaps gives a clear view of the size and complexity of one of the worlds most populous nations. ************

A couple of months ago I had another chance to do what I so love in Secondlife... to help mentor a new resident. The young womans name is Victoria Lenoirre {Vic}... bright, caring, articulate, so much of what I wasn't at her age. Here's another link , (told you there would be a lot!), she started this over a year ago, long before she came to Secondlife....


I'm going to drag myself to the beach today...I wish I felt well enough to hike south to near the border fence with Mexico... it's a quiet place, just the birds and the ocean surf.

And so it goes

My love to you all, brinda



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