experiences in growth. Stories from Secondlife and the Benares Estate.
Now as I come out of edit and see him... he's straight out of 1978, giant afro hair...clap doctor white pimp suit, platform shoes.
Take a look at the conversation...and this is the part I don't get.
Could have I been more polite..hmm...maybe. On the other hand I believe in being proactive and holding people to their advertised beliefs. You publish a crude profile statement? You could be totally shocked at what can come out of my mouth.
Followers of this blog or me in person see I don't say words I couldn't use in front of a child, unless....... unless you just think you can treat me disrespectfuly.
Yes I do realise it's not a spiritual point of view...
Maybe in my next life.
And so it goes
I do love you all {well at the moment...most of you}, brinda
Fifteen residents and friends came to pay their respects and to show their love.
It makes me believe that what we have here is something very special.
Thank you all.
Twinkles dad is now at rest..... There are really only two very important times in any life...birth and death. We celebrate birth in most present day cultures and decry death. We don't remember our birth just as we don't remember our last death. That doesn't mean they didn't happen. Speaking for Twinkle, I want to thank all of you that laid a rose at the Benares telehub in memorial to her father. I realize many of you have never met Twin...and may never meet her, that doesn't change what you have done for her and actually all of us. I see your participation at this impromtu memorial as a sign of the community spirit I have wanted for Benares from the day I started this journey. Thank you again And so it goes As always my love to you Twinkle
And my love to you all, brinda Namaste नमस्ते
It's obvious that in Secondlife one often never knows the true persona we see. One of the most erudite avatars I've met here was a furry when we first met. A very close friend is blonde haired and blue eyed in Secondlife...trust me, I've visited the part of the world she lives in... but, after two weeks in Northeast India I never saw anyone with blonde hair.
Secondlife has the great potencial to expand acceptance in all worlds. For instance, there are a lot of men who really don't like women... I don't mean those men have chosen an alternative lifestyle necessarily, they just don't see women as their equal. In secondlife everyone is equal according to their ability. These abilities are color, gender, and ethnicaly blind. The possiblities are both endless and boundless and it really would be a sad thing to screw this chance up. And so it goes My love to you all, brinda Namaste नमस्तेAnd so it goes I love you all, brinda Namaste
**************** Above is Castle Benrath site of the show *************
Below some of the many works displayed on three floors and several hallways
***************************************************************** This image is by Tischvier Writer. The original shows the rose texture moving across the work.
With the exception of the hammock image these were all taken from the main island.
There just came a point where this post became long enough... perhaps more at another time.
And in the interest of truth. I did set the image below last on purpose. =^..^=
My gratitude to all those whos creative skills I've captured.
And so it goes
My love to you all, brinda
********************Gin Bolissima had a dream here*********************
There is always a fine line between allowing your residents the freedom to do whatever it is they have chosen for their Secondlife experience {provided it fits the covenant agreed to upon taking possession of that parcel} and allowing behavior to go on that is morally wrong.
Yes, all here are ostensibly adults, and all of us are equal... and you know darn good and well some of us are more "equal" than others.
By default, I allowed someone to take emotional advantage of another... one that really didn't have the strength to emotionally defend herself.
I still miss my sweet island girl... I should have done better, she deserved better. A thank you to Andor for the beautiful roses and vase.
I still have the tier box.
Other news...
I got an IM this morning from Kate, the manager from The Kasbah music venue, asking about a place for a home. I sent her a notecard with landmarks to these parcels...
**************************Northwest West************************