Everything seems to happen as it's supposed to...no matter what I think. Raven just a day or so ago approached me about a few more prims and I told her I'd get back to her. I explained last evening that there were a couple of options to achieve that... certainly one of those plans is to wait for a few days and see if angel is going to be well enough to return. With me, you see, it's not all about the money. I owe Angel a certain amount of allegiance, she was the first resident here as well as a close personal friend. The parcel she ended up with was the Secondlife home she had always wanted, so a few days grace is both in order from her standpoint as well as giving Raven a bit of time to think. I see it as a good thing for all. *** I spent a portion of last week exploring old landmarks. Secondlife is a rapidly changing environment and locations often change quickly. There are places in Secondlife that have endured... {see this link to the start of a 40 odd post series of very early Secondlife places.} http://lalotelling.blogspot.com/2010/06/seconderth-deep-map-preface.html Many of the landmarks I had from 2 or 3 years ago are now gone. I can tell you that to teleport in and land in a living room on someones coffee table gives one a great way to start a conversation! *** I want to take a moment to personally thank both Poly for spending some time with me today, and to Raven for and invite to a music venue this morning. Think about this for a minute...at any given time there are upwards of fifty thousand plus people on line...two of them decided to spend time with me. Thank you both. *** Curious. I wonder if there is a set quantity of tears we need to shed in a lifetime? Just joking...a little. In these last couple of years I seem to get emotional over the darnedest things. Today when I was over cleaning up Loris parcel and chatting with Poly I had the TV idling in the background... I was ok with the movie "Dirty Dancing" playing in that background, until the very end, when the last scene started and "The Time of My Life" started playing... I sat in stunned silence with tears just running. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WpmILPAcRQo
(30,927,637 views of this video)
Really, it seemed like a much better movie in 1987...but that end dance scene with the Bill Medley and Jennifer Warnes duet as scene music just did me. (I'm such a sap for stuff like that)
And so it goes
I love you all, brinda
You are such a beautiful soul Brinda...anyone who has spent more than 5 minutes with you can tell you are different. I found this poem (sort of) in a gentleman's profile and thought of SL:
ReplyDeleteSomething manifests in the void
We stand, expectant
Searching the open wilderness without eyes.
~Stranger Nightfire
I'm starring off into the void Brinda, while sitting on my tricycle....and I know I can make it around the block because I'm NOT alone. You are forever with me...
Love you hun,
~Lori Faerye