experiences in growth.
Stories from Secondlife and the Benares Estate.
"Listen with an open mind, but don't try to remember this stuff. There's no quiz at the end." Jack Kornfield
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Such Love...a reason to stay
Cylindrian Rutabaga / Grace BufordPhoto credits RL from her facebook profile &Screenshot by Crap MarinerThis is Secondlife...these are things that happen here, maybe they do happen other places... but I know how rare it can be to find an outpouring of love for someone you may not see in person...or since only 40% of us are from the USA... a person that's not of your culture or country.OK..hopefully these links will work..if not..please take the time to go manually search for this story as well as the song.It will be worth your time.Wagner James Au's... NEW WORLD NOTES...actually if you google that *New World Notes* it takes you to the first page...and first post. Sorry the link wouldn't work.Crap mariners blog..http://firstlife.isfullofcrap.com/2009/12/making_a_difference.html
For the *in world* music scene...this IS the guy.Just in case you're only interested in the music it's here.http://youtube.com/watch?v=2Kc7vWyVIKQ&feature=player_embedded#
Flying is wonderful...creating stuff is fun...chatting with people from all over the world is beyond belief....But it's stories like this that keep me here.And so it goesI love you all, brindaNamaste
I try to be good. I dont think I always succeed, but I do try. I have a terrible temper, but my practise has helped. I confess that when I think someones been hypocritical or unjust I get very angry. Ignorance is forgiveable-as are sincere mistakes. My real anger comes in the face of hypocrisy. So I have to develope awareness. I have to be aware that I'm angry-to watch myself being angry-and say to myself, "Well I'm angry, I've got to control this anger".
{from Aung San Suu Kyi.}
The terms Linden Lab, Linden, SLurl, and Secondlife, are registered trademarks of Linden Reaserch Inc. They appear in this blog as information only. No endorsement by Linden Research Inc. is intended or to be inferred.
Benares India Circa 1922
Varanasi India {Benares today}
A life goal
Aldous Huxley...
"It's a little embarassing to have spent one's entire life pondering the human situation and find oneself in the end with nothing more profound to say than try to be a little nicer."
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