Here are a couple of screen shots I took of the performance...
Porters dance animations were so fitting. She has such great stage presence and the true professionals ability to draw her audience in to the show with a constant reminder that she understands that people want to be communicated with...not sang "at", or talked "at".
Seeing this kind of crowd on a Friday early afternoon is impressive.
Latest metrics show Secondlife's slowest concurrency is Friday afternoon until Tuesday early pm. ***
What's so important about Porters activities in Secondlife is that she has found a purpose...a passion here. I firmly believe that to continue in this virtual world one must find something that makes you *want* to be here. Shopping will only last so long...pixel sex won't last either...intimate relationships are what makes this platform into a world. Intimate in the true sense of the word...
I hope all that read this find your own passion...let's stay as long as the lights are on!
And so it goes
My love to you all, brinda
Awww Brinda - too kind for words. I'm just a girl who loves to sing. Happy to find my place in world (and out) and be able to share myself with others this way. Love always, Porter