Friday, April 30, 2010
Things to try...
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
a time to say...Until we meet again.

Yes she had girly avies as well...this capture from the last Halloween party we had.
And yet THIS was Bubbles...I look at this picture and think, "Hi Brinda!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
She could be so funny...a sense of the absurd, and a sense of humanness one doesn't often see.
She wanted a place here and insisted on working to pay for it, so I hired her to manage tier boxes...and as a benefit she became a goodwill ambassador here.
(Yes, I set up a sensor so I would know if she really was looking at tier boxes...she never missed a day without letting me know).
This picture was taken on the day her place was finished and flags she had asked about were in place.
We last spoke on February 2nd, less than 3 days before I left for India. She wished me love and said that she would also be off world for a couple weeks...I've never spoken to her again.
And Bubbles, I miss you so darned much, any family would be so blessed to have a member such as you. We were blessed to have you for a long Secondlife time and I love you child.
Your place will remain as long as there is a Benares
*** Who am I to say what is right? Or possible? Or correct?
My job?...serve...breathe...and remember with love...
What the caterpillar calls the end of the world the butterfly calls paradise. And so it goes
I love you all, brinda
Monday, April 26, 2010
Thoughts and Questions
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Passion and Truth
Here are a couple of screen shots I took of the performance...
Porters dance animations were so fitting. She has such great stage presence and the true professionals ability to draw her audience in to the show with a constant reminder that she understands that people want to be communicated with...not sang "at", or talked "at".
Seeing this kind of crowd on a Friday early afternoon is impressive.
Latest metrics show Secondlife's slowest concurrency is Friday afternoon until Tuesday early pm. ***
What's so important about Porters activities in Secondlife is that she has found a purpose...a passion here. I firmly believe that to continue in this virtual world one must find something that makes you *want* to be here. Shopping will only last so long...pixel sex won't last either...intimate relationships are what makes this platform into a world. Intimate in the true sense of the word...
I hope all that read this find your own passion...let's stay as long as the lights are on!
And so it goes
My love to you all, brinda
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Katy Feden...the end of an era.
Katy Feden entered Secondlife there May 7th 2009....
And stayed until those islands were deleted in April 2010, She logged on today to see the notice that her last location is no longer available. She was likely the last Independent Mentor left on that island.
***************************** When Katy "came home" today, she was greeted by two of the hundreds she had helped during those 300 odd days, both instantly recognized her, the first by sight...the second just by IM.
Is Katy just a throw away account? Not to Flor or Sophie...or to many more that remain nameless now.
Katy Feden wasn't my only alt that's true, and I suppose the feelings I have there are because Katy was the end of an era for Secondlife.
We all remember how we felt upon our first login...excited...and more than a little confused. Those that make the biggest impression on us tend to be our first friend, those that help us, and of course the ones that create grief.
While that era has gone...and the new one may well be better...I will always remember the times I got a chance to be the first friendly face so many saw, that chance was priceless.
Katy will remain on Benares
And so it goes
My love to all, brinda
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Old Friend....(small soapbox)
Drew is another that's making a difference...She has no ulterior motive...She has always been kind and patient. And if you've ever spent time trying to dress a new person while answering questions from two more at the same time, that's a definition of patience. {... at the same time trying to fend off the pixel sex advances from a third!}
Our Benares is close to mini islet out West, one 2048 West shore mainside, a couple of starter parcels on North shore, and Twinkles 1024 rental on South shore.
Of course my heart says I could add another homestead and my brain asks me if I've started drinking again! Not yet!
Never say never...but first there's the coming tier increase expected in July. An increase I feel would be unfair to pass on to those residents that have places East and West so that's not going to happen.
And then there's just the time it takes to attempt to provide as much personal service as I feel our residents deserve.
I do have one thing to say...something that has bothered me all night last night.
I never ever publicly chat about another residents choice of life style, role play, the way they dress in Secondlife...(assuming they aren't naked)...or any other choice someone might make here. I find any personal public attacks to be repugnant and uncalled for.
Assuming their choices don't violate the Linden labs TOS, or the stability of our region. I would suggest that if one were to find anothers life style something you have a problem with...take it private...once. After that one time private chat....I guess the choice would be to either get over it or to move on.
I'll get off my little soap box now... nuff said.
Chase a dream much is possible And so it goes
I love you all, brinda
Saturday, April 17, 2010
The Music box...(Oh, and being a good person.)
(I will donate a music box to the first person that can tell me how I took this image capture...
you see the music box is sitting on my outstretched hand, palm up.)
Now Poly knows how...{and I'll cut her out of my will if she tells!}
This music box plays on touch, the gears turn, the textures are perfect. Darn her anyway, I'm so jealous ROFL.
I'm so out of time this morning...later today perhaps I want to write about another person that has made a difference in Secondlife, Drew Stromfield.
Drew came to see me last evening...I think you will love the story.
Until then
And so it goes
As always my love to you, brinda
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
I did get an Email from Barbara in Germany...she's super busy with work projects as well as her degree...she told me that she will return. I do hope so, such talent is good for Secondlife.
I'm trying to find the time to mentor again...working with Lori reminds me of why I do all of this.
Our Ling is in Japan visiting her military friend...left on 6th for....2 weeks? I think. Ling, if you read this, I miss you.
Twinkle was in world recently... I took Porter up to skypad to visit. I will never tire of telling all that read this...if it wasn't for Twinkle I wouldn't have had the courage to do Benares. Her I also miss. Lastly... last evening the server that runs Benares lost a lot of data...several parcels around the Northeast corner lost easily over a thousand objects...I did a region restart to no avail...and this morning around 9am Linden lab did a rollback for me. That took us back to before we lost objects...thankfully it was so late that no one was on mainside. The danger in rollbacks is that if some one rezzes a "no copy" object in world... when the rollback occurs that object ceases to exist That's a perfect example of what I wouldn't have known how to handle two years ago...:-). I didn't sleep well last evening believe me.
And so it goes
Thank you all for making this dream come true
I love you all, brinda
Sunday, April 11, 2010
For What it's Worth
I would like to share the text of an E-mail sent in reply to a dear friend.
I have asked their permission to print this even though I have edited any identifying details.
There always those of us that have a need to really sit down and talk from the be able to share those feelings that allow us to be be vulnerable.
For what it's worth...
It's important you never feel you need to apologize to me for sharing your soul, everyone needs to have a place they can come and talk. For some it's Catholic confession, others find a place like that old TV show "Cheers". You have found your place in Secondlife. I think you might agree with me that you are not quite as naive as you were when we first met on that walkway outside of Ahern a couple years ago... With worldliness comes knowledge...not all knowledge is at first easy to understand. Children are so open at first, so loving...until the wear and tear of the simple things like playing with friends starts to close their heart. Children can be mean, often not because they're trying to be mean, but because they have no filters. Later in my life I got to the point that I felt nothing if I physically hurt people...I had lost that place in me that would allow me to feel compassion. If you're not compassionate no one can hurt's safe...and a terrible way to live. I don't see you ever becoming that way. You are growing up, I know that sounds be growing up as a grandmother...but the pain you experience now is the pain of growth. I ask you to do something for me, and you. Experience that pain...and know that not everyone gets to where you are. Many around you have more than you...and haven't really earned it...many others will have less than you...and they didn't earn or deserve that either. It's a wise person that can acknowledge that their choice to help another cost them material things that they once saw as indispensable...the gift is in the must willingly give away what's important to them to appreciate that gift. Welcome to the path of enlightenment. I have found a love in SL that I can't experience RL. RL is 68 we become SL I'm not invisible...I'm cared for and about. And so too you will always be. I plan on being in SL until they turn out the lights...its the people...not the "love affairs"...not the content creation...its the people. It's the joy of seeing you planting pixel grass's the joy of helping you find a lost rug under a house...the joy of sitting quietly next to you on a fence watching the pixel sun come up over the SL water. It's the sheer joy of watching so many of you learn and grow. I have dressed over one thousand new people in SL...I base that on how many are in our group and figure that four out of five never joined us. The gift was in the giving...four of you that I've tried to help currently have a place on Benares... If tomorrow I were to lose my ability to keep Benares, we will go somewhere else... I know there are three or four of us that would continue on...until they turn out the lights. And so it goes My blessings go on My love to you all, brinda Namaste नमस्तेSaturday, April 10, 2010
Friday, April 9, 2010
Please Send a Post Card

Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Goodbye Andor....

Sunday, April 4, 2010
Happy Easter to all