My friend Deanna dropped in to our public area last evening and during our chat and sharing Baz Luhrmans, "Wear Sunscreen" video, I had mentioned to her that in these last few months my psychological life has undergone a dramatic change. My visit to India is certainly a part of that change...I'm not aware enough to know if the trip was cause or effect.
I went out to get the mail this morning and found the latest issue of the "Shambala Sun" magazine waiting for me. So often there is such a jewel waiting just inside the back cover and today was no exception. This months jewel is a poem by Billy Collins...see footnote, and it says much about my thought processes I suppose...{maybe I think too much?!}
While on the surface the poem below has absolutely nothing to do with Benares or Secondlife it spoke to me in a way that most poetry doesn't. is so short.
(Click on image to view)
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