Could every drop of dew on this web be an entire world?
How would I know except to try and expand my mind to all possibilities.
Could I go from the Jalasayin fire to either or both of these worlds?
Why not?
My time in India has only increased my drive to know...
Likely for most, these questions just get lost in the day to day struggle we all have to keep ourselves and our families warm, fed, educated, and safe.
I have been so fortunate in all my lives, my first mind out of body experience came at a place called "Mystic Arts" in Laguna Beach California in 1969.
I've chased that experience for a long time and now I know I'm getting closer.
I have said in these last few days that my journey in the footsteps of Buddha changed my view of my life.
So often we never get to experience what this place is all about...this earth...{even Secondlife }, can be misinterpreted}.
Some years ago a couple of my friends asked me to accompany them to La Paz Mexico...
Before we left I suggested that everyone leave all their jewelry behind...explaining we were rich.
You see whether it's Mexico, Illinois, or India... wherever... One meets people that have never traveled more than a few kilometers from where they were born and will die. And yet we had the financial where withal to travel.
I guess I offer that to stand in the presence of 2600 years of realise that 2600 years ago another had the same ideas I have today was for me a life changing experience.
I have been blessed to have been allowed to share some of your dreams, and those dreams touch my heart. Some see the same things in the stars that I see...others went with me to India in soul because they will never achieve that in this life.
In the coming days I will have a gift for those of you whose dreams I have shared...
You will see that you were with me sitting on the waters of the Ganges river in India.
Until then.......
And so it goes
I do love you all, brinda
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